Creating A Culture Of Safety
Zero is theonly acceptablegoal at Dome.
Unsafe working conditions can lead to loss of a limb, loss of income, loss of life. This can drive up costs and delay or even postpone projects. Unsafe workers rub off on other workers, creating a culture where safety comes last.
At Dome Construction, we believe safety needs to come first. We want our team members to come home in one piece from the job site, every day. It’s not just about staying on task or meeting government requirements – it’s about making sure our family members can keep plying their trade, building projects and careers. This culture of safety is created with one common goal in mind. Zero accidents, zero lost time.
.45 EMR for 2021
19 Years of CEA Safety Awards
Safety From Day One
Startingon theright foot.
We work to instill a culture of safety from the first day we welcome an employee aboard. Our new employees take part in a safety orientation during their first week, where Dome’s Safety Culture is defined. In this orientation, we engage each employee in a conversation and encourage them to ask questions about our Safety Culture to help them personally connect to safety. Our orientation includes providing each new team member copies of our Field Procedures and Operations Program and our Injury Illness Prevention Program, which we discuss and check for understanding. In addition, each employee and all our Trade and Business Partners are given a safety orientation through a dynamic video to help us illustrate the strong partnership within Dome’s Safety Culture. It’s all part of ensuring that every employee and Trade and Business Partner are provided with the proper background and understanding of our safety expectations.

How We Do It
Always Learning& Evolving.
It’s more than just investing time and knowledge that matters. We also invest in the latest safety equipment for our team members. That means protective head, hand, and foot gear, as well as high-visibility clothing, modern fall-protection equipment, effective hearing and respiratory protection and the latest, most advanced first aid and emergency care kits. We also take pride in:
- Weekly Job Site Safety Meetings
- Orientation Meetings for All Staff and Subcontractors
- Supplemental Training Throughout the Year
- Quarterly OSHA Classes
- In-House Safety Officers
- Pro-Active Insurance Company Visits to Job Sites
- A History of Success
A History Of Success
Safety hasalways beena priority.
One of Dome’s core values is “Value Our People,” which includes our team and all of our Trade and Business Partners by; ensuring that everyone gets home from the job site safe and sound has always been our number one goal. Since 1969, we have implemented the most modern training and technology. It’s also why, since 1969, we’ve met one of our goals of zero-zero citations by OSHA ever. Our team at Dome Construction has been recognized year after year for safety success. We have earned CEA Safety Award for 17 straight years, including achieving the CEA’s Presidents Safety Award three times. In addition, Dome has been awarded the NAWIC Safety Award three times. It’s not just anecdotal either – with an Experience Modification Rate (EMR) of .45, Dome is one of the top-performing California construction businesses regarding safety incidents. And with our strong belief in the value of continuous improvement, we are committed to making ongoing and sustained investments focused on safety throughout our business and our people.